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#141 🔥 Exodus 3-4 Moses Meets God At The Burning Bush 🌳 ⛰️ 🅹🅴🆂🆄🆂

Writer's picture: Saved And LovedSaved And Loved

Moses met God on top of Mount Sinai in the Saini Penisula-Mount Horab. He sees a burning bush where the Angel of the Lord spoke to him through the fire that was burning but not consuming the bush. The Bible verses confirm that the Angel of the Lord is Yahweh himself as God speaks to Moses on the mountain. Moses asked His name, and God answered, "I Am Who I Am." Exodus 3:14. In the New Testament, Jesus revealed He is the same God that spoke to Moses, referring to Himself as "I Am." John 8:58-- concrete evidence stating that Jesus is Yahweh of the OT and is the same God from the beginning to the end. It's Jesus all along, even though God represents Himself in many forms: The Angel of the Lord, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is a critical podcast to understand this connection.

Moses and his encounter with God at the burning bush in Exodus 3. Moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law Jethro when he came across a burning bush that was not consumed by the fire. As he approaches, God speaks to Moses from the bush, identifying Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God reveals His awareness of the suffering of the Israelites in Egypt and expresses His intention to deliver them from bondage.

God wants Moses to lead the Israelites, who will guide them out of Egypt. Moses, initially hesitant and feeling unworthy, questions God about His name and authority. God responds with the famous statement, "I Am Who I Am," signifying His eternal and self-existent nature. He instructs Moses to tell the Israelites that "I Am" has sent him. God's revealing His self-sufficiency, unchanging nature, and authority.

God chose Moses as the leader and mediator between God and the people. Moses' initial reluctance and God's patient assurance demonstrate the human-divine interaction, emphasizing God's sovereignty in selecting and equipping individuals for His purposes.

Exodus 4 is a continuation of the narrative of Moses and his call to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. God provides Moses with tangible signs to confirm His authority and to assure both the Israelites and the Egyptians of God's presence and power. Moses continues to be reluctant and insecure about his ability to lead. God responds with patience, and understanding, using Moses' weaknesses to showcase His divine strength and power. He accommodates Moses' concerns by appointing Aaron as a spokesperson., equipping both into leadership roles. This reflects the importance of collaboration in leadership. Leaders often need support and teamwork to fulfill their roles effectively. Moses obeys God's call and returns to Egypt, even though he doesn't fully understand the plan's details. Zipporah, Moses' wife, then circumcised their son so that he would not die and obeyed God, even when it was uncomfortable to obey.

God forewarns Moses about Pharaoh's resistance and reveals His intention to harden Pharaoh's heart. The elders of Israel respond with belief and worship when they witness the signs and hear that God is aware of their suffering. The miraculous signs performed by Moses and Aaron served to authenticate God's message and authority.

Lessons for us today:

  1. God's Awareness of Our Situations: Just as God was aware of the suffering of the Israelites in Egypt, He is aware of our circumstances. In difficult times, God is mindful of our struggles and is ready to intervene.

  2. God Chooses and Equips Leaders: Moses initially felt unworthy and hesitant to lead, but God chose him for a specific purpose. God can use anyone for extraordinary purposes so long as we trust God's calling and rely on His guidance and empowerment instead of our own. God often works through our weaknesses, empowering us to accomplish His purposes.

  3. God's Unchanging Nature: God's name, "I Am," emphasizes His eternal and unchanging nature, providing us stability in a broken world.

  4. God's Patience: Moses had continued doubts and questions, yet God patiently addressed his concerns. God is patient with our uncertainties and is willing to provide the guidance and reassurance we need.

  5. Obedience to God's Call: Moses eventually obeyed God's call to lead the Israelites. If we respond to God's call in obedience, He will lead us to a better place despite our challenges or uncertainties.

  6. The Power of God's Presence: The burning bush symbolizes God's presence. God is with us in every situation. His presence provides strength, guidance, and assurance.

  7. Knowing God Personally: The revelation of God's name is an invitation to know Him personally. In our relationship with God, we are encouraged to seek a deeper understanding of His nature and character, fostering a personal and intimate connection with Him.

  8. God's Redemption: The overarching theme of Exodus is God's redemption of His people. This foreshadows the ultimate redemption through Jesus Christ. We have hope because God already laid out His redemptive plan in Christ to save those who believe in Him and give us eternal life.


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