Diane Winbush shares her gifts and talents in helping people to brand their businesses, serving her community through Christ, and working with other underprivileged people through her ministry.
Diane is a native of Pontiac, Michigan. She helps women through her ministry and business, empowering their brand and identity. Her good works give women a voice and help those where she is needed the most.

She holds regular conferences. For example, "Women Who Rock with Success" debuted in 2014 after "Extraordinary Women," an inspirational platform for Christian women.
Today, Diane's platform interviews many guests to speak with some of the most prominent women around the globe and share their expertise.
Diane also helps the underprivileged and criminals incarcerated to educate and defend their rights. For more information on this, see her website, http://www.reformtofreedomministries.org.
Diane is actively involved in her community by holding many events and partnering with other local businesses.

For more information, you can follow her ministry at
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